1 Pint Strawberries
3 cup fresh Watermelon Juice (Tarbooj Ka Raas)
1/2 tsp pureed Ginger (Adrak)
3 tbsp Sugar (Cheeni)
3 cup fresh Watermelon Juice (Tarbooj Ka Raas)
1/2 tsp pureed Ginger (Adrak)
3 tbsp Sugar (Cheeni)
How to make tarbooj sharbat:
- Wash and stem the berries in cold water.
- Force through a food mill to separate seeds from the puree.
- Alternately place a nylon sieve over a bowl and, using a pestle or outstretched fingers, push to extract the fruit puree, discard the seeds.
- Combine all the ingredients in a jug, stir well and refrigerate for few hours.
- Stir and serve in glasses with crushed ice.